OUR CODE OF CONDUCT The IGO Code of Conduct applies to everyone who works for, or on behalf of, IGO. Our Code of Conduct is more than a statement of our expectations; it re ects the values that have served the business well from its inception. It is communicated to all our people and to those we do business with. Our people, contractors and directors are all expected to behave in accordance with our Code of Conduct. IGO’s Code of Conduct provides guidance on how our values are to be put into practice. The key elements are summarised below: • IGO is committed to providing a safe, fair, and dynamic work environment. • IGO is committed to providing a workplace free of harassment, hostility and offensive behaviour. • We strive for diversity and inclusion in the workplace in terms of gender, age, cultural and ethnic background, religion, sexual orientation and physical ability. • We work to provide our people with access to the information and knowledge they need to perform well. • We encourage open and honest expression and facilitate participation. • We are committed to providing learning and developmental opportunities consistent with the needs of the business. • We are committed to providing a work environment that protects whistleblowers who, in good faith, report unacceptable conduct. • We celebrate the success of our business and our people. • We respect the law and act accordingly. • We are fair and honest in our dealings. • We use IGO’s property responsibly. Our people have reciprocal duties to our business and to each other and we expect them to be accountable for both their actions and consequences. We treat each other and our stakeholders with respect and dignity. IGO’s Code of Conduct is publicly available on our website: . IGO’s Group Governance Standards can be found on the IGO website: . Annually, IGO issues a Corporate Governance Statement to ASX outlining the Company’s current corporate governance framework. The statement provides comparative reference to the Corporate Governance, Principles and Recommendations of the ASX Corporate Governance Council (ASX Recommendations). This Statement can be found on IGO’s website at: . au/irm/content/governance. aspx?RID=295 . During the FY17 reporting period, the Company’s corporate governance practices have complied with the ASX Recommendations in their entirety and the Board has made appropriate statements and reported on the adoption of each of the recommendations. Executive Responsibility for IGO’s business processes and sustainability performance lies with the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr Peter Bradford, and IGO’s Executive Committee. The Board and Executive Committee structure is shown in Figure 1. The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer’s performance is measured against metrics relating to financial and operational performance, the execution of our growth strategy, and the sustainability of our performance. Comparable and related remuneration arrangements including incentive payments are variously applied to all IGO employees. In FY17, IGO revised its remuneration and performance standards to further improve the transparency of how both IGO’s short-term and long- term incentive schemes work for all levels of the organisation. All IGO employees are accountable for contributing to the creation of value and enhancing our sustainability within their particular area of responsibility. GOVERNANCE The Board Responsibility for our strategic approach to sustainability lies with IGO’s Board and Executive Committee. One component of this approach is governance. IGO’s Board defines, approves and monitors a documented governance framework. This framework establishes accountabilities, regulating activities, risk management, monitoring, and processes for optimising the Company’s performance. The Board recognises the need to regularly review the framework as best practice evolves over time. Four committees assist the Board in these activities: • Sustainability and Risk Committee • Remuneration Committee • Audit Committee • Nomination and Governance Committee The Board and each committee has a defined charter, which can be found on the IGO website: . The Board’s Sustainability and Risk Committee has oversight responsibilities for safety, health, environment, community, risk management and internal audit. Sustainability related initiatives, performance measures against key performance indicators (KPIs), operational matters, and issues relating to stakeholders are brought to the attention of the Sustainability and Risk Committee through quarterly meetings held with the Executive Committee. IGO completes an annual review of governance documents to ensure they are kept up to date and in line with best practice. These documents include: • Code of Conduct • Dealing in Securities Standard • Continuous Disclosure and Communication Standard • Whistleblower Standard • Anti-Bribery and Corruption Standard • Diversity and Equal Opportunity Standard • Privacy Standard Listing Independence Group NL is a company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: IGO). The Company has been listed since 17 January 2002, having traded as Independence Gold NL from 17 January 2002 to 19 December 2003. 08 — IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017