CASE STUDY / HEALTH MENTAL HEALTH with the employee assistance provider BSS to provide training sessions for supervisors and managers to support their people with mental health issues. Mental health awareness sessions will also be delivered to employees and contractors on site in the coming year. In February 2017, Nova’s OHS Manager, Ross Jennings, supported by IGO and SWICK mining services, spoke at the Blue Tie Gala event to raise money for both Suicide Prevention Australia and Beyondblue. The successful event demonstrated the importance of promoting good mental health within the mining industry and the broader community. It is widely recognised that fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workers can have a heightened risk of mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. In September of each year, coinciding with ‘R U OK Day’, the Health and Safety department at the Nova Operation takes the opportunity to promote good mental health among its employees and contractors, allowing a forum for people to share experiences and encourage those who need it to ask for help. Our sites also run initiatives throughout the year, including presentations on maintaining good mental health and education through its medical centre. In the longer term, the Nova Operation is partnering OUR NOVA OPERATION IS PARTNERING WITH OUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROVIDER TO PROVIDE TRAINING SESSIONS TO SUPPORT PEOPLE WITH MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. 64 — IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017