Nova generated 857,825t of waste rock in FY17, with the majority of this material placed in a waste rock dump surrounding the tailings dam consistent with final closure designs. The decision to develop the Bollinger deposit in conjunction with the Nova deposit generated additional waste rock that was stored in a temporary waste rock stockpile. Geochemical characterisation studies of waste rock at Nova were initiated in FY17 and will continue in FY18. At each of the sites, a small quantity of waste rock that is known to be non-acid forming is crushed for use as road base, bunding and for other operational purposes. TAILINGS All IGO tailings storage facilities undergo an annual audit to ensure they are operated in accordance with the mine’s operating strategy, safety conditions, prescribed premises conditions, and mining tenement conditions. In addition to the annual audit process, IGO undertook a group tailings dam risk review, involving an international recognised specialist consultancy. WASTE MANAGEMENT The two largest waste streams produced at IGO’s operations are waste rock and tailings. The Tropicana Gold Mine and our Jaguar and Nova operations produced both, whereas the Long Operation produces only waste rock. The waste rock is stored and managed in accordance with DMIRS guidelines to minimise its potential to cause environmental impact and ensure the effective rehabilitation of our mine sites both progressively and at closure. WASTE ROCK During the 2016 calendar year, the Tropicana Gold Mine produced 47.7Mt of waste rock. At the Long Operation the main waste product is waste rock, with 49,830t brought to the surface. A geochemical characterisation study was undertaken in FY17 to confirm that the rock can be used during mine closure efforts, with remaining material available for BHP Nickel West and the rehabilitation of their tailings storage facility on our tenement. A total of 187,703t of waste rock was mined from the Jaguar Operation’s Bentley Mine in FY17. Most waste rock was re- used underground as backfill. The Tropicana Gold Mine has a single cell tailing storage facility where all tailings from the Tropicana processing plant are deposited. In the 2016 calendar year, Tropicana deposited 6.6Mt (dry) of tailings into its storage facility. The Long Operation uses tailings from St Ives Gold Mine to produce a paste backfill material that is used to re-fill mined underground voids. In FY17, Long Operation used 69,859t of tailings to produce 72,020t of paste; an increase from the 63,711t of tailings used in FY16. The Jaguar processing plant produced 393,640t of dry tailings that were deposited into TSF2 in FY17. As required by tenement conditions, both the disused TSF1 and the operational TSF2 were inspected and a qualified engineer produced an audit report. The recommendations for both tailing storage facilities included preventative maintenance measures were completed in the last 12 months. A small amount of tailings (447,000t) was deposited in the Nova tailings storage facility in FY17 following commissioning in December 2016. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017— 81