IGO Interactive Annual Report 2019

At IGO, we care about doing what is right – not just because it is good for business but because it is the right thing to do. SUSTAINABILITY ‘What does it mean to be a sustainable mining company?’ This is frequently asked with the contextual inference that mining is inherently unsustainable, because ore bodies are, by definition, finite resources. The legitimacy of the ‘sustainable mining’ concept remains a live debate because unfortunately some industry players still operate with environmentally destructive practices and do not encourage capacity building such as social and economic growth for their host communities. IGO's purpose of making a difference recognises that the sustainability of our business is dependent on garnering support by all of our stakeholders, including our employees, local communities, regulators, Traditional Owners and shareholders. Today, an increasing number of investors are interested in not only our financial and operational performance, but also on how we conduct our business and whether we do this in a sustainable and ethical way. This is increasingly scrutinised by ratings agencies as part of their environment, social and governance (ESG) index scoring evaluations. Currently IGO actively engages with three agencies: Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS), Dow Jones and the CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project). OUR COMMUNITIES Beyond our people and our investors, a sustainable mining company is dependent on a ‘social licence to operate’; in essence, the support of the community. IGO continues to work hard to maintain our licence and to understand the matters that are material to our stakeholders. In FY19, our community consultation and engagement efforts included the completion of a Social Impact Assessment study related to our activities at our Nova Operation and exploration in the Fraser Range. The process included public meetings, a survey of key stakeholders and numerous one- on-one meetings between IGO representatives and members of the community. As an outcome, IGO now has a clearer understanding of both our economic contribution to the broader community, and the community’s expectations regarding the way we operate. We will provide more information on the outcomes in IGO’s 2019 Annual Sustainability Report. As in previous years, IGO has participated in ongoing programs to engage the Ngadju people, the native title holders of the land on which our Nova Operation sits and a key area of focus for our exploration activities. IGO is pleased to note that in FY19, we made production royalty payments to the NNTAC totaling $3,336,905, facilitated or funded numerous training and educational programs, and created real employment opportunities. SUSTAINABILITY ROYALTY PAYMENTS in production royalty payments to the Ngadju Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (NNTAC). POSITIVE RESULTS from the IGO Social Impact Assessment study following over 300 responses from stakeholders in our host communities in Norseman and Esperance. of rehabilitated exploration tracks material environmental spills AT A GLANCE $ 3.3 million ha 137 ZERO 18 — IGO ANNUAL REPORT 2019