2021 Annual Report

IGO is committed to implementing and maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance. We believe that excellence in corporate governance is essential for the long-term sustainability of the business and building long-term value for all our stakeholders in a socially responsible manner. Whilst the Board is responsible for the Company’s corporate governance, we do not see governance as just a matter for the Board. We believe good governance is about doing the right thing and having the courage to stand up for what is right. It is the responsibility for all those who work at IGO to act ethically, with integrity and within the law, and this ethos is embedded throughout the organisation. Our governance framework supports our people to deliver on our strategic objectives and provides an integral role for responsible and informed decision making. IGO regularly reviews its governance framework to ensure it reflects current and emerging legislation and industry best practice. The following Corporate Governance Codes, Charters and Standards can be found in the Governance section on IGO’s website: Code of Conduct, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Standard, Continuous Disclosure and Information Standard, Dealing in Securities Standard, Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity Standard, Privacy Standard, Whistleblower Standard, Board Charter, Audit and Risk Charter, Nomination and Governance Charter, People and Performance Charter and Sustainability Charter. The Board is responsible for promoting the success of the Company in a way which ensures that the interests of shareholders and stakeholders are promoted and protected. Some of its key functions are setting the long-term corporate strategy, reviewing and approving business plans and annual budgets, overseeing the risk management framework that includes both financial and non-financial risks, approving material capital expenditure, approving financial statements, approving and monitoring the adherence to Company policies, developing and promoting corporate governance, and demonstrating, promoting and endorsing an ethical culture. The Board delegate responsibility for the day-to-day operations and administration of the Company to the Managing Director & CEO, and with the support of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), are responsible for IGO’s business processes and sustainability performance. The responsibility across IGO’s Seven Pillars of Sustainability are assigned to various members of the ELT, including: • Safety and Wellbeing – Chief Operating Officer • Being Carbon Neutral – Chief Operating Officer • Environment – Chief Operating Officer • Our People – Head of People and Culture • Communities and Traditional Owners – Company Secretary and Head of Corporate Affairs and General Counsel and Head of Risk & Compliance • Our Financial Contributions – Chief Financial Officer • Business Integrity – all members of the ELT Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Independent Assurance (External and Internal Auditors) STAKEHOLDERS IGO Board Managing Director & CEO Executive Leadership Team 7 PILLARS OF SUSTAINABILITY Audit & Risk Committee Nomination & Governance Committee People & Performance Committee Sustainability Committee IGO ANNUAL REPORT 2021— 33