Independence Group Sustainability Report 2019

FRASER RANGE PROJECT (Ni, Cu, Co) (various partnerships) Regional geochemical sampling, geophysical surveying and drilling. Regional aircore drilling and geophysical programs have identified numerous anomalous results requiring reverse circulation and/or diamond drill testing. LAKE MACKAY JOINT VENTURE (Cu, Au, Ni, Co) (70%) Unlocking a new unexplored mineral province in the Northern Territory. Regional geochemical sampling, airborne and ground electromagnetic surveys and drilling have identified several new mineralised prospects. WEST KIMBERLEY JOINT VENTURE (Ni, Cu, Co) (up to 80%) New belt-scale project targeting magmatic nickel-copper-cobalt. Airborne electromagnetic survey has been completed. Regional aeromagnetic and radiometric survey, prospect scale geophysics, geological mapping surface sampling and drilling planned. RAPTOR PROJECT (Ni, Cu, Co) (100%) New belt-scale project targeting nickel-copper-cobalt sulphides along the Willowra Gravity Ridge, Northern Territory. Regional aeromagnetic and radiometric surveys have been undertaken, and additional surveys planned. YENEENA JOINT VENTURE OPTION (Cu, Co) (up to 70%) New sediment-hosted copper-cobalt project with existing prospects in the Paterson Province, Western Australia. COPPER COAST Regional magnetotelluric survey and possible drilling. FRONTIER PROJECT, GREENLAND (Cu, Co) (up to 80%) Earn-in/Joint Venture Option on belt-scale project targeting Zambia-style copper-cobalt. Traverse mapping and sampling of prospective domains is underway. PROJECTS AND EXPLORATION OPPORTUNITIES For project and exploration locations, refer to the map on page 8. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019 — 27