Independence Group Sustainability Report 2019

CONTENTS OVERVIEW 02 Chairman and CEO message 02 FY19 Snapshot 04 Our purpose and strategy 06 Key operations and projects 08 Business life cycle 10 Integrating sustainability 12 PROACTIVELY GREEN 17 BUSINESS INTEGRITY 21 Code of Conduct 21 Governance 22 Risk management 24 Transparency 25 Acquisitions and joint venture arrangements 26 RESPONSIBLE OPERATIONS 29 Our people 29 Safety, health and wellbeing 34 Environmental management 38 Mine closure 46 OUR RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE 49 Climate-related risks and opportunities 49 Climate-related disclosures 52 Managing our energy use and emissions 53 MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE COMMUNITY 55 Working in partnership with communities and Traditional Owners 56 IGO Corporate Giving 60 OPTIMISING THE BUSINESS VALUE 63 FY19 Financial summary 64 Our economic contributions 64 Working with our supply chain 66 SUSTAINABILITY FUNDAMENTALS 69 Reporting our material priorities 69 Stakeholder engagement and communication 72 Performance Data 75 GRI Content Index 82 Glossary 96 Assurance Letter 100 IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019 — 1