Independence Group Sustainability Report 2019

These results are the outcome of our programs over the last few years to co- create a shared and inspiring purpose and our efforts to build a very specific IGO culture, the IGO Way. This effort has improved the connection that our employees have with the business and the satisfaction they derive from the work that they do in creating IGO’s future. Learning and development Teams of great people don’t just happen. They require nurturing and development, both at an individual and a group level. The development of our people and the benefits that development can bring to both the business and the individual depends on a shared responsibility for lifelong learning. Our learning and development program assumes all IGO people can be leaders of the IGO Way. Our program provides job-specific and career development training opportunities that include technical development, teamwork and collaboration, and opportunities for leadership development. All learning and development is supported by our Common Management Standard for Training, Competence and Awareness. During FY19 we increased our energy in this area with the continuation of a number of existing programs and the introduction of some new initiatives, including: IGO mentoring program In FY19, we were pleased to begin a partnership with Metisphere to implement an internal mentoring program designed around leadership development and cross-divisional connection. Open to all employees, 18 pairs of mentors and mentees began a journey in May 2019 to explore career opportunities and aspirations and provide the basis for the mentee’s development planning for FY20. To date, the feedback has been exceptional with participants excited about what they can achieve with our shared investment in their future. Support for the future Our graduate and vacation programs have gone from strength to strength in FY19 with a total of 13 first-, second- and third- year graduates working among our workforce during the year. Our graduate program offers university graduates a two- to three-year program beginning in January each year, with the aim of supporting them in their transition from study to career. In 2020, we will have 24 students in the program, which is designed to support, challenge and reward graduates in a work environment that will foster and develop them into future leaders and technical experts. It is this support that will create a bright future for the mining industry. Our support for two co-sponsored WA Mining Club scholarships for Geology and Aboriginal students, along with mentoring and vacation work for these students, continued this year. These scholarships provide students who need support to study and enter the mining industry. They benefit from the IGO network. IGO is also proud to support a range of other initiatives to encourage and foster the development of the next generation of leaders within our mining sector including: • Women in Mining WA mentoring program and networking events; • professional associations including AusIMM, AMEC, WA Mining Club and WA Mining Club Young Professionals; and • tertiary, vocational and school institutions including the WA School of Mines, Curtin University, The University of Western Australia, TAFE WA and a number of primary and secondary schools in our catchment areas. In another way to show our support for students to learn and develop skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in FY19 we also partnered with the CoRE Learning Foundation. Since 2005, the foundation and vision of CoRE has been based on a simple idea; the idea that education, industry and government need to connect 30 — IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019 SECTION 3 RESPONSIBLE OPERATIONS