Sustainability Report 2021

Wastewater is managed by a recycled water scheme with the approval of the Western Australian Department of Health. Nova’s wastewater treatment plant recycles all grey and black water produced by the accommodation camp, power plant, paste plant and other non- processing infrastructure on site. Decant water stored in the TSF is recycled and reused in the processing plant. 1,077.42ML of water was recycled in FY21. The TSF at Nova is fully lined and has no associated groundwater mound. AIR QUALITY Addressing the impact of air quality and dust pollution on human health is vital to our operations and transportation of our products. We recognise that our activities can impact the amenity of the environment and our host communities. The nature of resource extraction, primary processing, transportation of our products, and ship loading for export can result in dust, noise and pollutant emissions. In FY21, after four years of IGO nickel and copper concentrate shipments through the Port of Esperance, the Port has had no licence exceedances in respect of dust emissions related to our product. The Port continues to collect extensive data at the boundary of the premises and a reference site in town, which shows respirable nickel is five times less than the target limit prescribed by the regulator. Our data is regularly published and is publicly available on the Southern Ports, Port of Esperance webpage Ongoing monitoring and strict loading controls will be maintained and continue for all future IGO shipping events. At our Nova Operation, our main activities involving resource extraction and primary processing result in the release of emissions and particulates to the atmosphere. Our major air emissions are carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulphur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds. IGO completes annual National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) reporting in accordance with the Australian Government regulations to disclose these emissions. Data on the key reportable pollutants for FY21 are included in the performance data table on page 102, and the Our Response to Climate Change section on page 52. MINE CLOSURE & REHABILITATION Closure planning is an essential process that occurs at all stages of a mine’s life cycle. The end of a mine’s operational life is far from being the end of its social and environmental impact. We recognise that we have a responsibility to close mines in a way that leaves a positive, healthy, and sustainable legacy. Planning for mine closure must consider social, economic, physical and biological parameters that can change over time, particularly when the planning horizon extends past a decade. Taking the lead on closure and rehabilitation planning can significantly reduce the complexity and cost of closure in the long run. IGO’s planning and cost provisioning for mine closures starts during exploration and project development and extends across the operation’s life cycle. In accordance with our Common Management System Standard 15 — Acquisition, Divestment and Closure, we develop and maintain a closure plan for each project to ensure we are prepared and understand the cost of closure. The closure plan also outlines the process for developing and obtaining agreement on completion criteria that will demonstrate successful post-closure outcomes. IGO’s Nova Operation has an approved mine closure plan, developed in accordance with Western Australian regulation. Mine Closure Plan (MCP) is a live document that is continually updated throughout the life of the operation. We continue to investigate and refine closure strategies at all our operations in accordance with our Group Environmental Standard 1 — Mine Rehabilitation & Closure and the Group Finance Standard 1 — Provisions for Mine Closure. The revision of these plans follows a structured approach, incorporating both external regulatory requirement as well as meeting internal standards to ensure adequate stakeholder engagement throughout the planning process. Finally, revised MCPs enable provisions for the estimated cost of rehabilitation, decommissioning and restoration relating to areas disturbed by our operations throughout the year. These are reviewed and, if required, updated annually. The Nova Operation has a current mine life to 2026, after its reserves were updated in FY21. IGO submitted an updated MCP to the Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety in December 2018, following approval for the construction of a permanent waste rock dump at the site. Environment NOVA OPERATION FY21 WATER BALANCE 1. Includes evaporation from TSF and decant ponds, wastewater discharge to licenced spray field and water used for dust suppression. DECANTWATER RECYCLE 1,077.42 ML TOTAL SITE Balance 0.02 ML Decant Recycle 1,077.42 ML Change In Storage -93.80 ML Output 1,230.39 ML Input 1,136.62 ML Water Input Internal Stream Water Output Paste Holdup 263.41 ML Bores 902.68 ML Mine Seepage 73.60 ML Ore Moisture 18.13 ML Precipitation 136.47 ML Potable Deliveries 5.74 ML Water In Concentrate 24.72 ML Evaporation & Other Losses 1 834.85 ML Deposited Tailings Holdup 107.41 ML 80 —IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021