JAGUAR OPERATION The Jaguar Operation has a long history of mining activities, which have impacted the vegetation within the mining leases. The area is surrounded by pastoral properties and cattle grazing, which together with feral animals and introduced weeds, have also had an impact on the native vegetation. Of note are the large populations of introduced goats, dogs, cats and rabbits. Mulga woodlands and flora typical of the region’s ephemeral creek lines dominate the land surrounding the Jaguar Operation. Field fauna surveys, conducted at the Jaguar Operation recorded 57 bird species, eight native and four introduced mammals, 23 reptiles and four amphibians. A desktop analysis of potential fauna distributions identified three mammal, one reptile and one bird species of conservation significance that could be present in the area due to the presence of suitable habitat. It should be noted that none of these species have been sighted since the early 1980s and it is now considered that they are locally extinct. Conversely, anecdotal evidence (increased sightings of breeding pairs) suggests there has been an increase in the population of birds of prey around Jaguar. LONG OPERATION The land surrounding the Long Operation, located on the shore of Lake Lefroy, is dominated by Eucalyptus woodlands and halophytic low shrublands. The Long Operation sits within the Goldfields region of Western Australia and is subject to extreme temperatures and periodic rainfall, predominantly in the summer months. Exploration and mining activities have taken place for over 40 years at the Long Operation and the surrounding area. This has resulted in clearing for the construction of infrastructure, waste rock dumps, tailings storage facilities, processing plants, open pits and underground mines. Neighbouring mines and the Long Operation’s proximity to the town of Kambalda, coupled with the historic public land use of the surrounding area has also contributed to the local environment being degraded. IGO IS COMMITTED TO UNDERSTANDING AND PROTECTING FLORA AND FAUNA COMMUNITIES AT EACH OF OUR OPERATIONS. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017— 77