WE HAVE THE CAPACITY AND THE INTENTION TO IMPROVE OUR PERFORMANCE, PARTICULARLY WITH MINE CLOSURE PLANNING. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLANS The IGO Environmental Management System, based on ISO14001, sets out the requirements for site-specific Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) that define and direct environmental management activity at our operations. This includes environmental statutory compliance, the identification of environmental aspects, implementation of appropriate controls and the monitoring of environmental impacts. Environmental performance is reported each year to the respective government departments in the operation- specific annual environmental reports. During FY17 a number of our operations updated the current EMPs, as well as supporting management plans and procedures as part of our continuous improvement process. This ensures that IGO’s land and biodiversity management practices are compliant with the law and in line with that of other mining companies. IGO’s impacts represent a small percentage of the cumulative impacts associated with the mining industry as a whole. However, we have both the capacity and intention to improve our performance – particularly in the area of mine closure planning and ongoing impact assessments on flora and fauna. TRANSPORT The remote location of our operations necessitates truck transport for the supply of materials and exportation of our saleable products. The impact of truck traffic on regional roads is a matter of reoccurring public comment. We continue to take our feedback from our stakeholders seriously and investigate and monitor transport impacts as required. Lower production at our Long Operation has reduced truck deliveries to approximately 240 a year, the majority from Kalgoorlie, located 57km north. The trucks pass close to Kambalda east and west, however they do not transit through the town’s residential areas. The area has been mined for more than 40 years, with no homes in the vicinity of our operation. As such the impact of dust and fuel emissions is minor. The Jaguar Operation receives a minimum of 300 trucks per year, which travel approximately 900km from Perth to site, passing through several towns including Northam, Southern Cross, Kalgoorlie, Menzies and Leonora. Our contribution to the impacts created by vehicle movements through these towns is minimal. The Nova Operation was still in construction and ramp up for a large part of FY17, receiving an average of 110 truck deliveries per month. This is expected to reduce in FY18 now that the operation is in production. It is noteworthy that Tropicana now receives only approximately 140 trucks a month (reducing the number from approximately 160 required before completion of a gas pipeline). The majority of trucks travelling to Tropicana come from Perth or Kalgoorlie resulting in distances driven ranging from 350km to 1,250km. MANAGING OUR IMPACTS 78 — IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017